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Volume 36(12); Dec 1995
Original Articles
Gold Weight Lid Implant for the Management of Facial Nerve Palsy.
Je Moon Woo, Sang Ki Jeong, Yeoung Geol Park
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2067-2073.   Published online December 1, 1995
Safety Study of Hypoallergenic Mascara for Human Eyes.
Jong Cheon Kim, Hee Sook Park, Sung Mi Kim et al.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2074-2080.   Published online December 1, 1995
Treatment of Blow-out Fracture Located in the Posterior Portion of the Orbital Floor.
Doseok Byon, Kyung Hwan Shyn
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2081-2086.   Published online December 1, 1995
A Clinicopathologic Study of 46 Cases of Eyelid Malignancy.
Tai Won Lee, Sung Wook Yang, Byeong Hee Kim, Joan Seok Song
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2087-2094.   Published online December 1, 1995
Cytochrome P-450, Drug Metabolizing Enzymes and Arachidonic Acid Metabolism in Pig Ocular Tissues.
Hee Ra Lee, Kyu Ryong Choi, Byung Chae Cho
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2095-2107.   Published online December 1, 1995
Corneal Endothelial F-actin Changes after Deep Photorefractive Keratectomy(PRK) in Rabbit.
Shin Jeong Kang, Eung Kweon Kim, Jong Hoa Kim, Hong Bok Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2108-2113.   Published online December 1, 1995
Postoperative Visual Outcome of Congenital Cataract with Possibility of Conservation of Vision.
Hyun Seung Kim, Young Chun Lee, Man Soo Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2114-2120.   Published online December 1, 1995
Detection of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor mRNA by in Situ Hybridization in Cataractous Lens Epithelium.
Jong Chan Kim, Gye Jong Bae, Jae Ho Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2121-2128.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Effect of Anterior Capsulotomy Size and Lens Epithelial cells Removal on the Posterior Capsular Opacification.
Seung Jeong Lim, He Len Lew, Kwang Won Cho, Hong Bok Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2129-2137.   Published online December 1, 1995
Tissue Plasminogen Activator for Treatment of Subretinal Hemorrhage.
No Hoon Kwak, Jin Seong Yoo, Warne Huh
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2138-2141.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Treatment of the Macular Holes with Specific Causative Factors by Removal of the Posterior Hyaloid Membrane during Total Vitrectomy.
Han Nam Yang, Kyung Hwan Shyn
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2142-2148.   Published online December 1, 1995
Surgical Prognostic Factors in Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy(PDR).
Seung Hee Baek, Hum Chung
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2149-2156.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Incidence of Retinal Detachment after Cataract Surgery according to Surgical Methods.
Duck Young Sun, Jin Hak Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2157-2161.   Published online December 1, 1995
Clinical Analysis of Retinoblastoma.
Tai Won Lee, Sung Wook Yang, Byeong Hee Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2162-2171.   Published online December 1, 1995
Clinical Evaluation of Choroidal Detachment Associated with Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment.
Se Woong Kang, Mi Young Choi
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2172-2180.   Published online December 1, 1995
Case Reports
Reversal of Optic Disc Cupping in Adults with Advanced Glaucoma.
Sung Min Lee, Ki Bang Uhm
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2181-2187.   Published online December 1, 1995
Original Articles
Clinical Comparision of the ProTon and the Goldmann Applanation Tonometer.
Myung Chul Song, Han Mo Koo, Nam Ho Baek
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2188-2194.   Published online December 1, 1995
Intraocular Pressure Change by the Hemodialysis.
Soon Kuk Jung, Sung Ki Lee, Jae Ho Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2195-2201.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Inspection for the Clinical Usefulness of the Pericecal Index in Early Glaucoma Automated Visual Fields.
Woon Bong Jwa, Woo Chan Park, Sae Heun Rho
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2202-2206.   Published online December 1, 1995
A Study about the Accuracy of Automated Refraction.
Yong Sik Kim, Hyo Sook An, Yong Han Jin
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2207-2212.   Published online December 1, 1995
Efficacy of High Dose Corticosteroid Therapy in Experimental Traumatic Optic Neuropathy.
Sang Yeul Lee, Sung Joo Kim, Hye Young Kim, Chang Hoon Ham, Kang Won Cho, Tai Seung Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2213-2217.   Published online December 1, 1995
A Mitochondrial Mutation in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.
Jeong Min Hwang, Hye Won Park
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2218-2224.   Published online December 1, 1995
Case Reports
A Case Report of See-saw Nystagmus Presumed to be Caused by Head Trauma.
Jeong Min Hwang
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2225-2230.   Published online December 1, 1995
Original Articles
Treatment of Near Esotropia with High AC/A Ratio.
Yoonae A Cho, Chang Jun Mun
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2231-2236.   Published online December 1, 1995
Case Reports
Two Cases of True and Pseudo-internuclear Ophthalmoplegia with Bilateral Exodeviation.
Dong Seob Kim, Yong Ho Sohn, Seung Hyun Kim, Jun Kiu Choe
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2237-2242.   Published online December 1, 1995
Original Articles
A Clinical Study: Change of the Eye Position under General Anesthesia.
Sun Taek Lim, Seong Ju Kim, Yeoung Geol Park
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2243-2251.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Effects of Single Intraoperative Application of Mitomycin C Soaked Cottonoid on the Wound Healing.
Gi Jung An, Yoonae A Cho
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2252-2260.   Published online December 1, 1995
The Effect of Unilateral Lateral Rectus Recession in Recurrent Exotropia.
Ji Young Kim, Bong Leen Chang
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2261-2265.   Published online December 1, 1995
Case Reports
Sturge-Weber Syndrome with Congenital Ocular Anomaly.
Ik Hwan Chung, Min Ho Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2266-2270.   Published online December 1, 1995
Original Articles
Treatment of Complete Traumatic Eyeball Extrusion.
Seong Ho Kim, Se Hyeon Paik, Tae Soo Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2271-2275.   Published online December 1, 1995
Case Reports
Joubert Syndrome Presented with Ocular Motor Apraxia.
Eun Hee Cho, Yong Sik Kim, Yong Han Jin
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 1995;36(12):2276-2281.   Published online December 1, 1995

Journal of
the Korean

Print ISSN: 0378-6471
Online ISSN: 2092-9374

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