J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > Volume 57(1); 2016 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2016;57(1):125-129.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2016.57.1.125    Published online January 15, 2016.
A Case of Acute Retinal Necrosis in Healthy Childhood.
Byoung Seon Kim, Ji Hye Kim, Yong Seop Han, In Young Chung, Jong Moon Park
1Department of Ophthalmology, Gyeongsang National University School of Medicine, Jinju, Korea. parkjm@gnu.ac.kr
2Institute of Health Science, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Korea.
건강한 소아에서 발생한 급성망막괴사 1예
경상대학교 의학전문대학원 안과학교실1, 경상대학교 건강과학연구원2
To describe a case of acute retinal necrosis (ARN) in childhood. CASE SUMMARY: A 6-year-old child visited our clinic complaining of conjunctival injection and decreased visual acuity in the left eye. Slit-lamp examination showed conjunctival injection, inflammatory cells (4+) in the anterior chamber, and keratic precipitates. Fundus examination showed disc swelling. The patient was treated with 30 mg of oral prednisolone and 1% prednisolone acetate with the suspicion of uveitis. After 2 days, retinal examination showed a peripheral multifocal yellowish patch and retinal hemorrhage. Herpes simplex virus-2 was detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the aqueous humor, which was obtained by anterior chamber paracentesis. In the present case, ARN in childhood was successfully treated with intravenous acyclovir. CONCLUSIONS: We report a case of ARN in childhood diagnosed using PCR. Intravenous acyclovir may be an effective therapy in children with ARN. Ophthalmologists should promptly perform PCR analysis in patients diagnosed with ARN.
Key Words: Acute retinal necrosis;Herpes simplex virus;Polymerase chain reaction

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