Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1964;5(1):35-41.
Ocular Symptoms of Intracranial Tumor: Clinical survey of 93 Korean cases.
Woo Je Cho, Hyung Jun Kim
Eye Department, National Medical Center, Korea.
뇌종양의 (腦腫瘍) 안증상에 (眼症狀) 대하여 (對) ( Ocular Symptoms of Intracranial Tumor ) ( 한국인 (韓國人) 93예에 (例) 대한 (對) 임상적 (臨床的) 관찰 (觀察)
조우제(Woo Je Cho),김형전(Hyung Jeon Kim)
In a series of 93 cases of verified brain tumors visited to The National Medical Center from Nov. 1958 to March 1963 were studied clinically in regard to the ocular symptoms. The results of the study include following findings: 1. 81.3% of visual disturbances were present including 43 cases of monocular and binocular blindness. 2. Among 46 cases who were able to be examined, 78.7% showed abnormal visual fields. The most frequent type of field defect was homonymous hemianopsia, which showed high incidence in cerebral paragonimiasis. 3. The incidence of papilledema was 33.3%. They were mostly bilateral, and showed much higher incidence of 64.2% in infra tentorial tumors. 4. Optic atrophy was found in 36.5%. They were mostly of bilateral affection. There were no big difference between the incidence of primary optic atrophy and that of secondary. Primary atrophy were seen most frequently in cases of cerebral paragonimiasis as well as frontal and sellar region tumors. 5. The incidence of abnormal pupillary reflexes was 48.3%. Most of these cases are due te amaurotic mydriasis. Anisocoria occurred 17.2% of the series. 6. The incidence of nystagmus was 17.2% and was most frequently seen in cases of inf ra tententorial tumors. 7. 7.5% of abducens palsy were the most frequent occurence among extraocular muscle palsies. 8. It was specific that the affection of corneal sensibility was ipsilateral to the location of the tumors. The incidence of corneal affection was higher in cases of infratentorial tumors than that of supratentorial group. 9. Lagophthalmos occurred in 10.7% of the cases. All of them were due to facial palsy.

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