Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1964;5(1):49-53.
Clinical Study on 103 Eye Surgical Cases.
Kyung YuI Im, Kyung Za Kim
Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju, Korea.
안과입원환자 (眼科入院患者) 103예에 (例) 대한 (對) 임상적 (臨床的) 관찰 (觀察)
임경열(Kyung Yul Im),김경자(Kyung Ja Kim)
We wish to present a clinical study on 103 cases of eye surgery done during the period March 13. 1962 to October 14.1963 at the Presbyterian Medical Center. Data; 1. Sex; male 53, female 50. 2. Age; under 10 ............ 14. 11 to 20 ............ 11. 21 to 30 ............ 19. 31 to 40 ............ 7. 41 to 50 ............ 10. 51 to 60 ............ 14. over 61 ............ 28. 3. Diagnosis; senile cataract ............ 49, traumatic cataract ............ 4, juvenile cataraet ............ 3, congenital cataract ............ 3, chronic open-angle glaucoma ............ 15, exotropia ............ 8, miscellaneous ............ 21. 4. Procedures; intracapsu1ar cataract extraction with P.I. ............ 49, irideneleisis ............ 15, extracapsular cataract extraction with iridectomy ............ 7, enucleation ............ 6, miscellaneous ............ 53. 5. Complication; (59 cataract cases) stria te keratitis ............ 10. round pupil ............ 46. fridectomy ............ 13. corneoscleral sutures No.1 ............ 1. No.2 ............ 0. No.3 ............ 56. No.4 ............ 1. No.5 ............ 1. shallow chamber ............ 6. hemorrhages A.C. ............ 5. panophthalmitis ............ 1. We appreciated very much the help of our staff doctors and residents and especially the assistance of Dr. Paul S.Crane, Director of the Presbyterian Medical Center and Prof. Young Chae Kim of Catholic Medical School.

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