Two Cases of Malignant Melanomas of Choroid. |
Dong Yoll Shin, Dong Ho Yoon, In Sang Yoo |
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. |
맥락막에 (脈絡膜) 발생한 (發生) 악성흑색종의 (惡性黑色腫) 증예 (症例) |
유인상(In Sang Yoo),신동렬(Dong Yoll Shin),윤동호(Dong Ho Yoon) |
Abstract |
Two cases of malignant melanomas of the choroid were reported. The first case was 43 years old male. The tumor was found to be a mixed type with heavy pigmentation. The second case was 3 years old girl. The tumor cells infiltrated the sclera and the optic nerve with complete destruction of the choroid and extension to the extra-ocular portion was noted without encapsulation. The tumor was composed of spindle A type cells with scanty pigmentation. This second case was interesting due to the reported rare incidence of malignant melanoma in childhood. The statistics in Japan point to the relativelyfrequent occurrence in childhood suggesting the racial differences in the frequency of malignant melanomas in childhood. |