Idenfitied Differentially Expressed Genes in Keratoconus. |
Ji Eun Lee, Boo Sup Oum, Jong Soo Lee |
Medical Research Institute, Department of Ophthalmology Pusan National University College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea. |
원추각막에서 발현된 유전자 연구 |
이지은,엄부섭,이종수 |
Medical Research Institute, Department of Ophthalmology Pusan National University College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea |
Ji Eun Lee, M.D. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To evaluate the pathogenesis of keratoconus through differentially expressed genes in human keratocyte of keratoconus. METHODS: Total RNAs extracted from primary cultured keratocytes in normal cornea and keratoconus were used for the synthesis of cDNA. Differentially expressed genes were screened by ACP-based PCR method using GeneFishingTM DEG kits. The differentially expressed bands were sequenced and analyzed, and identified genes were further evaluated by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Over-expressions of BMP4 and CFL1 and under-expression of CFL1, GRCC10, and TIMP3 were verified, and comfirmed by RT-PCR. All confirmed genes were concerned with cytoskeleton, wound healing, and apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: The identified differentially expressed genes seem to be important role in the mechanism of keratoconus, and apoptosis as well as cytoskeleton and wound healing may be attributed to the underlying stromal keratocyte. |
Key Words:
Differentially expressed genes (DEGs);GeneFishTM PCR;Keratoconus |