Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1971;12(2):67-72.
Published online January 1, 2001.
Refraction in High School Students (I).
In Soon Kim, Hong Bok Kim, Jang Woo Lee, Young Sae Kwack, Soo Ja Chung, Soon Kak Hong
Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University, Medical College, Korea.
중고등학교 학생의 굴절상태 ( 제 1 보 )
This study was planned to determine the subjective and objective refraction under Mydrin P (Sansei Do Pham. Co.) among 758 Korean high school girls in Seoul area age of 12 to 18 years. Brightness (illumination) of 6 class rooms out of 30 in junior high school and 11 class rooms out of 24 in senior high school was measured with a sight meter (Western model 703-60, type 7, Western Co.) and a sun light illumination meter (Western model 756, Weston Co.). 1. Among 758 high school girls, error was 80.34% and emmetropia 19.66%. 2. As to the distribution of refractive erros, 30.02% was hyperopic refractive error and 69.98% was myopic refractive error. 3. The incidence of each refractive errors was the following order: hyperopia 15.44%, myop4 37.40%, compound myopic astigmatism 15.04%, compound hyperopic astigmatism 5.54%, simple myopic astigmatism 3.23%, simple hyperopic astigmatism 2.9%, mixed astigmations 0.73%. 5. The incidence of refractive errors in relation to age reveals the myopic refractive error increases from 37.35% at the age of 12 years reaching to 97.06% at the age of 18 years, while the hyperopic refractive error decreases from 62.65% at the age of 12 years decreasing to 2.94% at the age of 18 years. 6. Emmetropia was most frequent at the age of 16 years and there after tends to decrease. 7. Hyperopic refractive error under 1.00D was 23.99% and myopic refractive error under 1.00D was 26.62%. 8. As to the type of astigmatism, "with the rule" was 52.88%, "against rule" 40.14%, "oblique" 4.33% and mixed astigmatism 2.64% only. 9. The brightness of classrooms reveals averaing 75.5 F.C. in senior high school and 30.2 F.C. in senior high school. The day light factor measured at the same time was average 6.2% in junior high school and 1.8% in senior high school. The balance of illumination measured at the sametime was average 69.8% in junior high school and 52.6% in senior high school.

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