Effect of High dose Corticosteroid and Optic Canal Decompression on Traumatic Optic Nerve Injury. |
Keun Sung Park, Su Na Lee, Ki Sang Rha |
1Department of Ophthalmology College of medicine, Chungnam National University. 2Department of Otolaryngology College of medicine, Chungnam National University. |
외상성 시신경 손상에서 고단위 부신피질 홀몬제와 시신경 감압술의 치료효과 |
이수나(Su Na Lee),나기상(Ki Sang Rha),박근성(Keun Sung Park) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE To evaluate the effect of high dose corticosteroid and optic canal decompression on the traumatic optic nerve injury. METHODS: Twenty six patients who were diagnosed to have traumatic optic nerve injury, were divided into two groups in which one group received corticosteroid therapy while the other group underwent optic canal decompression combined with corticosteroid therapy. RESULTS: Visual acuity increased by > OR =3 lines of LogMAR scale in 47% of the corticosteroid group, in 28% of operation and steroid group, and in 42% of overall cases. But the degree of visual acuity improvement had no difference between two groups(p=0.72). As the patients were divided into two groups based on initial visual acuity such as no light perception and light perception or better, the initial visual acuity did not have influence on the final visual outcome in both corticosteroid group and operation and steroid group(p=0.78, p=0.33). CONCLUSIONS: This result suggest that effect of high dose corticosteroid and optic canal decompression on traumatic optic nerve injury is not different. |
Key Words:
Corticosteroid;Optic canal decompression;Traumatic optic nerve injury |