Phacoemulsification Using Microhook Iris Retractor for the Management of Ectopia Lentis in Marfan Syndrome. |
Hyun Sub Oh, Hyung Jun Koh, Chan Yun Kim, Seung Jung Lim |
1The Institute of Vision Research, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 3Seran Eye Center, Korea. |
마르팡증후군에서 발생한 수정체 탈구 환자에서 홍채훅을 이용한 초음파유화술 |
오현섭 ( Hyun Sub Oh ) , 고형준 ( Hyung Jun Koh ) , 김찬윤 ( Chan Yun Kim ) , 임승정 ( Seung Jung Lim ) |
Abstract |
PURPOSE We evaluated the clinical results of phacoemulsifacation using microhook iris retractor for the management of ectopia lentis in Marfan syndrome. METHODS: Seventeen eyes of 9 patients with Marfan syndrome were included. All the patients had undergone phacoemulsifacation with microhook iris retractor capsule stabilization between May 1997 and January 2000. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 11.6 +/-8.2 years old. Superior nasal(38%) and superior temporal(38%) were the most common direction of lens dislocation. Fifteen eyes demonstrated improvement in best corrected visual acuity by 2 lines or more following average follow-up period of 22.9 +/-9.2 months. As postoperative complications retinal detachment developed in 3 eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Phacoemulsifacation using microhook iris retractor for capsule stabilization appears to be a good technique for the management of ectopia lentis in Marfan syndrome. |
Key Words:
Ectopia lentis;Marfan syndrome;Microhook iris retractor;Phacoemulsification |