In Vitro Effect of Cyclosporin A on Corneal Endothelial Cells. |
Hungwon Tchah |
Department of Ophthalmology, Kangnam St.Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea. |
각막내피세포에 대한 Cyclosporin A의 In Vitro 효과 |
차홍원(Hung Won Tchah) |
Abstract |
Cyclosporin (CsA)is a potent immunosuppressive agent and is used for prevention of corneal graft rejection.In vitro effects of CsA on the cultured rabbit corneal endothelial cells and the rat corneal button were investigated. Rabbit corneal endothelial cells were cultured in the medium containing C s A (5 microgram/ml, 500ng/ml, 50ng/ml, or 5ng/ml)for 48hr.The incorporation of 3H-thymidine into cells was determined.Fresh corneal buttons were obtained from Lewis rats.Each button was divided into 4 quadrants and incubated in Optisol medium containing CsA, Cremophore (solvent of CsA), pred-nisolone 0.1 microgram/ml, or Optisol alone for 48hr.The above 4 different concen-trations of CsA were used in different corneal buttons.After incubation corneal buttons were stained with PAS and endothelial cells were stained with Alizarin red S.Results showed that thymidine counts were lower in these media containing CsA.Endothelial membrane was also disrupted in the media containing CsA > or=5 0 n g /ml.In conclusion, corneal medium contain-ing CsA may induce damage to the endothelium in vitro. |
Key Words:
Cyclosporin A;Corneal endothelial damage |