A Case of Sebaceous Carcinoma. |
Young Tae Kong, Ho Min Lew, Jae Hee Juhng, Hong Bok Kim, Jie Whan Kim, Jin Kook Choi |
1Department of Ophthalmology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Pathology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. |
안검 피지선암 1예 |
Abstract |
In recent years, there appears to have been an increased incidence or recognition of sebaceous carcinomas of the ocular adnexa, which had been previously believed very rare. A 55-year-old male visited our hospital in April 1973 with a large lump in the right lower eyelid which had showed progressive enlargement of one year's duration. A biopsy was carried out and the histopathological examination revealed sebaceous carcinoma. He was treated with a total dosage of 6,000 rads of electron-beam by LINAC machine in October 1973, and the result was excellent. |