Treatment of Common Canalicular Obstruction Using Lacrimal Trephine. |
Beung Sup Park, Jae Woo Jang, Do Seok Byon |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Inha University Hospital, Inchon, Korea. |
Lacrimal trephine 을 이용한 총누소관 폐쇄의 치료 |
박병섭(Beung Sup Park),장재우(Jae Woo Jang),변도석(Do Seok Byon) |
Abstract |
Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostom.y using Jones tube has been the treatment of choice for patients with epiphora due to common canalicular obstruction. But this procedure carries a lot of disadvantages including external scar formation and many complications result from general anesthesia, and necessity of permanent prosthesis and long-term follow-up. So authors have used a new instrument, the lacrimal trephine designed for creating an opening through 8 distally occluded lacrimal canaliculus to treat the common canalicular obstruction. From June 1996 to December 1996, we performed 8 lacrirnal trephination with silicone tube insertion in five patients diagnosed as common canalicu-lar obstruction. All of them have achieved the anatomical success and four of thein have shown clinical success. |
Key Words:
Common canalicular obstruction;Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy;Epiphora;Jones tube;Lacrimal trephine |