Corneal Complications in Contact Lens Wearer. |
Woo Jae Lee, Gi Seok Yoon, Kyung Hwan Shyn |
1Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea. 2Department of Ophthalmology, Korea Veterans Hopital, Seoul, Korea. |
콘택트렌즈 착용자에서 발생한 각막의 합병증 |
이우재(W J Lee),윤기석(G S Yoon),신경환(K H Shyn) |
Abstract |
With the widespread introduction of contact lenses as a convenient alternative to spectacles, corneal complications in contact lens wearers has also increased. We undertook this study to assess the risk of contact lens use, and other major causes of corneal complications. We have experienced 95 contact lens wearer(133 eyes) with corneal complications at the Chung Ang University Hospital from Jan. 1991 to May 1994. Among the corneal complications, abrasion and erosion occupied the most part of them(57.9%). Other complications were punctate keratitis(36.8%) and ulceration(5.3%). The causes of corneal lesion were extended wearing, foreign body or scratching of lens, poor fitting, sleeping with contact lens wear, and unknown. In order to decrease the corneal complications in contact lens wearers, phthalmologists should warn their patients using or considering contact lenses of this potential problems and stress the necessity of meticulous hygiene and prompt evaluation of an uncomfortable eye. |
Key Words:
Contact lens;Corneal complication;Corneal erosion;Corneal ulcer;Punctate keratitis |