Result of Excimer Laser Photorefractive Keratectomy Correction of Myopia: One and Two-Years Follow-up. |
Yoon Koo Ahn, Jung Chul Shin, Joon Kiu Choe |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Hanyang University Hospital. |
엑시머레이저 굴절이상 교정술을 이용한 근시의 치료결과 :1년 및 2년 추적관찰 |
안윤구(Yoon Koo Ahn),신정철(Jung Chul Shin),최준규(Joon Kiu Choe) |
Abstract |
To examine prospectively the efficacy and reliability of excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy for myopia. we treated 147 eyes of 86 patients with a VisX Twenty/Twenty excimer laser and followed them up for 1 year and follow up 48 eyes of 26 patients for 2 years. The patients were divided into two groups with preoperative myopia: group 1 with diopters between -1.50 and -6.00, group 2 with diopters between -6.01 and -10.00. At 1 year, the group 1 with a mean preoperative refractive error of -4.61D changed to -0.40D, the group 2 changed from -7.50D to -0.92D. At 2 years, the group 1 with a mean preoperative refractive error of -4.28D changed to -0.41D, the group 2 changed from -7.75D to -1.04D. At 1 yera, in group 1, 90.91% (70 of 77) of eyes and in group 2, 64.29%(45 of 70) of eyes were corrected within 1D of intended refraction,respectively. At 1 years, in group 1, 94.81% (73 of 77) of eyes and in group 2, 84.29%(59 of 70) of eyes achieved an uncorrected visual acuity of 0.5 or better. And at 2 years, in group 1, 81.82% (18 of 22)of eyes, and in group 2, 50.00% (13 of 26) of eyes were corrected within 1D of intended refraction, respectively. At 2 years, in group 1, 95.50% (21% of 22) of eyes and in group 2, 84.62%(22 of 26) of eyes achieved an uncorrected visual acuity of 0.5 or better. |
Key Words:
Excimer laser;Myopia;photorefractive Keratectomy |