Extraction of the Leris Nucleus with the Continuous Circular Capsulorhexis in Planned Extracapsular Cataract Extraction. |
Yeong Tae Cho, Jae Hong Kim, Euy Hyo Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, Mary knoll Hospital, Pusan, Korea. |
계획적 낭외백내장적출술에 있어서 연속원형전낭절개에 의한 수정체핵의 적출 |
조영태(Yeong Tae Cho),이의효(Euy Hyo Lee),김재홍(Jae Hong Kim) |
Abstract |
We rotated the nucleus up to 270 degree and dislocated it into anterior chamber through the diameter of capsulorhexis after hydrodissection by using the planned extracapsular cataract extraction. And later on we delivered the nucleus with hydroexpression using the irrigating Vectis or with rotation using a lens spatuala. As a result of this procedure, the nucleus was safely delivered in all cases without zonular rupture and vitreous prolapse. |
Key Words:
Capsulorhexis;Nucleus delivery;Planned extracapsular cataract extraction;Hydro dissection;Hydroexpression |