Investigation for General Misconception on Eye Problems: I. About the Myopia and Defective Color Vision in Middle School, High School and College Students. |
Jin Hak Lee, Jae Sun Lee |
Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. |
일반인의 안과상식에 대한 조사 - 제 1 보 : 중 , 고 , 대학생의 근시 및 색각이상에 대한 상식 - |
이진학(Jin Hak Lee),이재선(Jae Sun Lee) |
Abstract |
To investigate general misconception on eye problems, we analysed the data from 10 questionnaires about the myopia and defective color vision of protocol type answered by 1344 students of middle school, high school, and college for the first report. The results were as follows: 1. The mean number of correct answer was 3.7. 2. The number of correct answer was related to the school carrier but not to sex, residence, and wearing glasses. 3. The incidence of correct answer to questionnaires about the etiology of disease was relatively lower than those about the treatment. |