Evaluation of Pattern-Reversal Retinal Potentials in Normal Groups. |
Kyung Ja Kim, Hyung Woo Kwak |
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. |
정상군에서의 PRRP 에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
김경자(Kyung Ja Kim),곽형우(Hyung Woo Kwak) |
Abstract |
Pattern-reversal retinal potentials(PRRP) are electrical signals generated within retina, possibly by the retinal ganglion cells, when a phase-alternating check board pattern is viewed. Authors clinically studied the characteristics of PRRP the mean amplitude and latency with 24 minute checks, the effect of the spatial frequency, the effect of defocusing and the retinocortical time in 20 normals, using Nicolet CA 1,000. The results are as follows; 1. The mean latency P1 and the mean P1-N2 amplitude of PRRP in normal group was 39.19 +/- 3.30(msec), 1.32 +/- 0.22(uV), respectively. 2. The mean retinocortical time in normal group was 52.93 +/- 7.39(msec). 3. The P1-N2 amplitude of PRRP was reduced linearly with increasing defocusing, and significant amplitude reduction was observed when defocusing amounted to +1D. 4. When central 3 degree of stimulus was covered in order to simulate a macular pathology, PRRP to 24 minute checks was abnormal both in amplitude and latency. 5. Peak response amplitude of PRRP was obtained with large checksizes(3 degrees 12 minutes, 6 degrees 24 minutes). |