In the article by Shin et al., "Progression of Glaucoma in Highly Myopic Eyes with Paravascular Inner Retinal Defects (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2022;63(8):727-734)", the Fig. 4 has been accidentally duplicated in Fig. 3 during publication processes. The authors request to correct the Fig. 4 of page 731, replacing the duplicated wrong figure with the original right one.
오류 정정
Shin et al.의 논문 " Progression of Glaucoma in Highly Myopic Eyes with Paravascular Inner Retinal Defects (J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2022;63(8):727-734)"에서 편집 작업 중 Fig. 4에 Fig. 3와 동일한 이미지가 게재되었습니다. 저자는 731쪽의 Fig. 4를 원본 이미지로 교체할 것을 요청하였습니다.