A Statistical Observation of the Exophthalmos. |
Hong Joo Han |
Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea. |
안구돌출의 통계적 고찰 |
한홍주 ( Hong Joo Han ) |
Abstract |
The author analized statistically 64 cases of the exophthalmos among the 18,428 out and in patient who visited to the Department of Ophthalmology, from Jan. 1, 1966 to Dec. 31,1975. 1. The incidence of exophthalmos was 0.35%. 2. 14 kinds of the diseases were recognized. 3. Most prevalent disease was retinoblastoma. 4. It was shown that the incidence was more prevalent in male than in female. 5. There was no distinctive feature on left and right. 6. Both eyes were affected in 6.2%. 7. There was no regular relationship between exophthalmos and visual acuity. |