Clinical Aspect of Central Serous Retinopathy. |
Dong Gu Lim, Sang Min Kim |
Departtment Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. |
중심성 망막염의 임상적 고찰 및 형광안저 촬영 |
임동구 , 김상민 ( Dong Gu Lim , Sang Min Kim ) |
Abstract |
The author surveyed on the ration of central serous retinopathy (C.S.R.) cases among total out patient, distribution of sex, distribution of age, sites of affected eye, and visual acuity in 271 cases of central serous retinopathy from March, 1973 to April, 1977. Fluorescein angiography was performed in 71 cases among them. Leakages of fluorescein were analysed by pictures. The results are obtained as follows: 1. The eyes of C.S.R. were observed in 0.75% among total out patients. 2. As to the distribution of sex, male were observed in 71.4%. 3. Among 271 cases, Unilateral affected cases (83.4%), and there were no difference between right and left eyes. 4. As to the distribution of age, 4-th decade were most frequently affected in 35.4%. 5. The cases were classified by leaking pattern as followings; Type I: Leaking was unremarkable. Type II: Leaking point appeared at early arterial phase and fades out gradually. Type III: Learking point appeared at early arterial phase and increased in density gradually, but the size of leaking area wes not enlarged. Type IVa: Leaking point appeared at early arterial phase and increase concentrically in the density and size. Type IVb: Leaking point appeared at early arterial phase and increased vertically (mushroom-shaped) in its size and density. 6. Type IVa in leaking pattern was most frequently observed. 7. A single leakage was found in 39.5% of all cases. 8. The leakages of fluorescein were found most frequently in the upper area particullary in the upper nasal area of the macula. |