J Korean Ophthalmol Soc > Volume 58(12); 2017 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 2017;58(12):1325-1332.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2017.58.12.1325    Published online December 15, 2017.
A Comparison of Axial Length, Keratometry, and Measured White-to-white Using Different Devices.
Miri Na, Hyun Soo Lee, Sang Hee Doh, Sung Kun Chung
1Saevit Eye Hospital, Goyang, Korea. eyekun@gmail.com
2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, St. Paul's Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
여러 가지 기기들을 이용하여 측정한 안축장, 각막곡률치 및 각막윤부직경의 비교
새빛안과병원1, 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 성바오로병원 안과 및 시과학교실2
Correspondence:  Sung Kun Chung,
Email: eyekun@gmail.com
Received: 17 August 2017   • Revised: 20 September 2017   • Accepted: 20 November 2017
To compare the accuracy and clinical usefulness of various devices by measuring axial length, keratometry, and white-to-white. METHODS: In 64 eyes of 56 cataract patients, axial length was measured using Galilei™, Lenstar®, and A-scans, and keratometry was measured using Galilei™, Lenstar®, and ARK. In 86 eyes of 74 cataract patients, white-to-white was measured using Galilei™ and Lenstar®. RESULTS: The average axial length measurements using Galilei™, Lenstar®, and A-scans were significantly correlated (p < 0.001), but without a statistically significant difference (p = 0.611). The 95% agreement range was the smallest at 0.22 mm for the Lenstar® and A-scans. The average mean K using Galilei™, Lenstar®, and ARK were significantly correlated (p < 0.001), but without a statistically significant difference (p = 0.657). The 95% agreement range was relatively small at 1.83 D for Lenstar® and ARK. The average white-to-white using Galilei™ and Lenstar® were significantly correlated (p < 0.001), with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.011). The 95% agreement range was 2.20 mm. CONCLUSIONS: Axial length, keratometry, and white-to-white measured by different devices were highly correlated and were not statistically different; however, agreement was low between measurements. It is therefore important to consider these findings when using them equally.
Key Words: Axial length;Galilei™;Keratometry reading;Lenstar®;White to white

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