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Volume 55(10); Oct 2014
Original Articles
Calculated Brain CT Angiography Volumes of Lacrimal Glands in Normal Korean Orbits.
Seoung Hyun An, Sang Wook Jin, Won Seok Yang, Hee Bae Ahn
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1413-1417.   Published online October 15, 2014
The Effectiveness of Topical Steroid Instillation in Patients with Recently Developed Nasolacrimal Drainage Stenosis.
Yong Dae Kim, Nam Ju Kim, Ho Kyung Choung, Sang In Khwarg
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1418-1425.   Published online October 15, 2014
Changes in Central Corneal Thickness and Corneal Endothelial Morphology in Contact Lens-Wearing Diabetic Patients.
Joon Won Kang, Ki Cheul Shin
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1426-1431.   Published online October 15, 2014
Clinical and Microbiological Analysis of Gram-Positive Bacterial Keratitis, a 15-Year Review.
Mi Rae Kim, Sang Bumm Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1432-1444.   Published online October 15, 2014
Clinical Features and Compliance in Patients with Cosmetic Contact Lens-Related Complications.
Hun Jin Choi, Jung Hoon Yum, Jong Hyun Lee, Do Hyung Lee, Jin Hyoung Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1445-1451.   Published online October 15, 2014
Astigmatic Changes and Clinical Outcomes after Scleral Fixation of IOL.
Shin Yeop Oh, Sang Soo Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1452-1459.   Published online October 15, 2014
Change in Central Macular Thickness after 2.2-mm Microincision Coaxial versus 2.75-mm Small Incision Cataract Surgery.
Ye Jin Ahn, Eun Chul Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1460-1469.   Published online October 15, 2014
The Comparison of Astigmatic Outcomes after Cataract Surgery of Inferior versus Superior Clear Corneal Incision.
Jong Kyung Na, Man Soo Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1470-1475.   Published online October 15, 2014
Difference of GCIPL Thickness of Diabetes and Normal Eyes in Spectral Domain OCT.
Sang Jun Park, Yeon Sung Moon, Na Rae Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1476-1480.   Published online October 15, 2014
The Change of Microaneurysm in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients Who Undergo Intravitreal Avastin (Bevacizumab) Injection.
Chang Wook Choi, Seung Joon Lee, Hye Ra Kang, Yun Sik Yang
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1481-1486.   Published online October 15, 2014
Characteristics and Surgical Outcome of Macular Holes Developing after Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair.
Sang Youn Han, Seul Gi Yoo, Young Ju Lew et al.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1487-1492.   Published online October 15, 2014
Macular Ischemia Correlated with Final Visual Outcome in Retinal Vein Occlusion Patients.
Gwang Myung Noh, Ji Eun Lee, Ki Yup Nam, Seung Uk Lee, Sang Joon Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1493-1498.   Published online October 15, 2014
Stability and Sterility of Bevacizumab after Withdrawal into a Syringe and Refrigeration or Freezing.
Gwang Myung Noh, Soo Young Kim, Ki Yup Nam, Seung Uk Lee, Young Ho Kim, Sang Joon Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1499-1503.   Published online October 15, 2014
Foveal Shape According to Age and Gender Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography.
Min Byung Chae, Jae Suk Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1504-1510.   Published online October 15, 2014
Glaucoma Surgery in Patients with Painful Blind Glaucomatous Eyes.
Eun Min Kang, Yun Ha Lee, Sang Jin Seo, Chan Yun Kim, Gong Je Seong, Samin Hong
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1511-1519.   Published online October 15, 2014
Side Effects after the Use of Cyclopentolate for Cycloplegic Refraction.
Eun Woo Kim, Young Wook Kim, Joo Yeon Lee
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1520-1524.   Published online October 16, 2014
Influence of Watching 3D Television on Refractive Error in Children with Exodeviation.
Hye Jin Seo, Seung Hyun Kim, Young Woo Suh et al.
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1525-1529.   Published online October 15, 2014
Relationship among Dominant Eye & Hand and Deviated Eye under General Anesthesia.
Sun Ho Park, Song Hee Park
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1530-1534.   Published online October 15, 2014
The Effect of Simvastatin on the Expression of Catalase in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.
Min Gu Kang, So Young Lee, Hee Seung Chin
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1535-1542.   Published online October 15, 2014
Case Reports
A Case of Huge Pilocytic Astrocytoma Causing Eyeball Subluxation.
Eun Yeong Kim, Su Kyung Jung, Ji Sun Paik, Suk Woo Yang
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1543-1548.   Published online October 15, 2014
A Case of Isolated Orbital Sarcoidosis.
Jin Sung Park, Mi Sun Kwak
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1549-1553.   Published online October 15, 2014
A Case of Conjunctival Mass with Infectious Mononucleosis by EBV.
Kyoung Yoon Shin, Moo Hwan Chang, Sung Eun Kyung
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1554-1557.   Published online October 15, 2014
A Case of Corneal Opacity Improved by Treatment of Demodex Blepharitis.
Jung Huh, Kyoung Woo Kim, Jae Chan Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1558-1561.   Published online October 15, 2014
Intravitreal Bevacizumab Injection for Serous Retinal Detachment Associated with Leber's Idiopathic Stellate Neuroretinitis.
Dong Hyun Lee, Hyoung Jun Koh, Sung Soo Kim, Sung Chul Lee, Min Kim
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1562-1566.   Published online October 15, 2014
Acute Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis with Hematologic Abnormalities.
Si Yoon Park, Eun Min Kang, Yun Ha Lee, Chan Yun Kim, Gong Je Seong, Samin Hong
J Korean Ophthalmol Soc. 2014;55(10):1567-1572.   Published online October 15, 2014

Journal of
the Korean

Print ISSN: 0378-6471
Online ISSN: 2092-9374

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