Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society 1986;27(6):1121-1125.
Published online June 1, 1986.
A Case of Optic Nerve Glioma.
Yong Hwan Lee, Min Jae Lee, Kyung Hwan Shyn
Department of Ophthalmology, Koryo General Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
안와내에 발생한 시신경교종 1예
신경환(Kyung Hwan Shin),이용환(Yong Hwan Lee),이민재(Min Jae Lee)
Gliomas of the optic nerve are relatively uncommon. We have experienced one case of glioma of the optic nerve recently. The patient was 17 year old boy who had exophthalmos and visual disturbance in his left eye for three years. The vision was CF/30cm. in his left eye and the optic nerve head was extremely atrophic. The eyeball was displaced infero-temporally. The exophthalmic value was 14mm. in right and 18mm. in left eye. On July 31, 1986, the left eyeball was exposed through Kroenlein method and the tumor mass was excised totally but the eyeball remained intact. The gross appearance of the tumor was large fusiform shape(3.5 X 2.0 X 1.8cm.) with well encapsulated grayish-white surface. The cut-section of the tumor revealed grayish-white solid area and hemorrhagic cystic area. The histopathologic slides showed that the tumor was composed of multiple pilocytic astrocytic cells in the solid area and in microcystic area. The cytoplasm of the tumor cells were bipolar spindle shape and the nucleus was uniform in general and there was no sign of mitotic figure. Numerous dense and amorphous eosinophilic materials so called "Rosenthal fibers" were also seen in the microcystic areas. Finally we have diagnosed this tumor as the Optic nerve glioma.

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